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  13. hälsa

Var kan jag ta reda på mer om längd- och viktskala?


* [National Institutes of Health (NIH)](https://www.nih.gov/health-information/evolution/physical-activity-weight-control)

* [Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics](https://www.eatright.org/food/nutrition/dietary-guidelines-and-myplate/weight-management/body-mass-index-understand-your-bmi)

* [Hälsa i alla storlekar](https://www.haescommunity.com/)

* [The Body Project](https://www.thebodyprojectsf.com/)


* [The Weight of Being:A Memoir of Weight Loss, Self-Discovery, and Coming Home] (av Meg Tansey)

* [Mindful Eating:A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food] (av Jan Chozen Bays)

* [Intuitive Eating:A Revolutionary Program That Works] (av Evelyn Tribole och Elyse Resch)

* [Health at Every Size:The Surprising Truth About Your Weight] (av Linda Bacon och Lucy Aphramor)


* [The Weight of the Nation](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/healthyschools/weight-of-nation/index.html)

* [Fed Up](https://www.fedupmovie.com/)

* [What the Health](https://whatthehealthfilm.com/)

* [The Big Short](https://www.thebigshortmovie.com/)

* [Hemligheten](https://www.thesecret.tv/movie/)


* [Underhållsfas](https://maintenencephase.com/)

* [Matpsyk](https://foodpsychpodcast.com/)

* [Anti-diet](https://theantidiet.com/)

* [Dietitians Unplugged](https://www.dietitiansunplugged.com/)

* [Du har fel om](https://yourewrongabout.com/)

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