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Var kan du få utbildning i icke-våldsfri krisintervention i Victoria BC?

Pacific Coast Mental Health Association

* Plats:1234 Pandora Avenue, Victoria, BC

* Telefon:(250) 384-2123

* Webbplats:https://www.pcmha.ca/

Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Center of BC

* Plats:200-2039 W 35th Avenue, Vancouver, BC

* Telefon:(604) 737-0002

* Webbplats:http://www.cispbc.ca/

Canadian Mental Health Association, Victoria Branch

* Plats:101-2750 Quadra Street, Victoria, BC

* Telefon:(250) 382-1115

* Webbplats:http://www.cmha.bc.ca/branches/victoria-branch/

Island Crisis Care Society

* Plats:2415 Arbutus Road, Victoria, BC

* Telefon:(250) 475-2766

* Webbplats:http://www.islandcrisiscare.ca/

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