* The AMA Manual of Style:A Guide for Authors and Editors (11:e upplagan, 2020).
* Current Medical Literature:A Guide to the Literature of Medicine and the Health Sciences (6:e upplagan, 2018).
* Oxford Handbook of Medical Writing and Editing (2:a upplagan, 2020).
* JAMA:The Journal of the American Medical Association
* The New England Journal of Medicine
* Lancetten
* British Medical Journal
* Annals of Internal Medicine
* PubMed
* Cochrane Library
* Scopus
* National Library of Medicine
* Världshälsoorganisationen
* Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
* Mayo Clinic
* WebMD
Andra resurser
* American Medical Association
* National Academy of Medicine
* Association of American Medical Colleges
* Federation of State Medical Boards
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